Q: Which cloud type forms over mountains and resembles a UFO? | Cloud Quiz

Image for 'Which cloud type forms over mountains and resembles a UFO? | Cloud Quiz' quiz question.

Chasing the Sky: Test Your Cloud Knowledge!

As November ushers in cooler weather, it’s a great time to look up and admire the ever-changing clouds. From fluffy white cumulus to dramatic storm clouds, the sky always has a story to tell. 🌤️

Question: Which rare cloud type, often mistaken for a UFO, forms over mountains and is caused by stable moist air flowing over a topographic barrier?

Answer: Lenticular Clouds

Lenticular clouds are stationary, lens-shaped clouds that form over mountain ranges or hills. These striking clouds are caused by air flowing over elevated terrain, creating wave patterns in the atmosphere. Often mistaken for flying saucers due to their smooth, layered appearance, lenticular clouds are a visual treat for sky-watchers and a sign of stable air conditions.

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